Full Sail大学


国际学生中心是我们的国际招生中心, 招生, and student support teams to help you through every step of the journey.

We have representatives located in several countries across the world including China, 哥伦比亚, 多米尼加共和国, 印度, 韩国, 墨西哥, 和英国.


  • 一对一的入学要求咨询
  • 签证准备环节
  • 住房和室友支持
  • 离岗前支持
  • F-1签证咨询
  • 国际学生研讨会和活动
  • 定向和注册协调
  • OPT/STEM申请协助
  • PayMy学费


Use this checklist as a guide to what you'll need to enroll at Full Sail and to help keep track of submitted materials.

1. 招生代表面试
的 interview can be conducted via phone, Skype, or other communication tool. 面试将涵盖整个项目, 入学要求(包括提交申请的步骤), 座位保证金200美元(仅限校园学位). 请联系你的招生代表了解更多信息.

2. 高中/中学成绩单
Applicants who have completed high school at a foreign institution must provide official documentation which will be evaluated in-house for equivalence. Documentation not in 英语 must be accompanied by a certified 英语 translation.

3. 大学或学院成绩单
Accompanied by a Third-Party Evaluation (for 研究生 Programs or Transfer Credits)
Applicants who have completed university studies at a foreign institution must provide official documentation to determine the school’s U.S. 等效性(通过外部评估服务). 联系国际招生处获得推荐的评估服务.

4. 核实语文能力
Applicants whose native language is not 英语 must demonstrate the required level of language proficiency by providing documentation of one of the following:

  • 托福网考最低要求79分
  • 雅思学术成绩最低要求6分.5
  • 皮尔逊英语学术测试(PTE Academic)成绩53分

Additional language proficiency exams may be accepted and scores are only valid for 2 years. 更多信息请联系国际招生处.

5. 财务担保
This is verification that you will have the required funding for tuition and living expenses available to you while you are studying at Full Sail. Contact 国际 招生 for the minimum amount required based on your degree program.

6. 政府身份证明文件副本
You will be required to submit a copy of the identification page of your passport or government-issued I.D. 请 contact 国际 招生 for approved forms of identification.

7. 额外的需求
请注意美术作品集, 数学评估, 或者以前的教育标准可能需要根据你的学位. 请 探索我们的学位 或咨询您的国际招生代表了解详情.



Applicants for a campus-based degree program are required to obtain the proper visa in order to study full time. 你可以 下载学生签证指南 了解更多信息.


虽然Full Sail不提供校内住宿或宿舍, we have established relationships with surrounding apartment communities and can provide you with information about your options. 我们的 可下载的国际住房指南 has details on nearby places to live, choosing a roommate, and other important factors to consider.


在你拿到签证之后,在你准备住房的时候,请 审查《og体育》 for the next steps you should take as you prepare for your arrival to the United States.


Full Sail strives to provide a safe environment for its students, faculty, and staff. Full Sail的安全部门每天24小时提供服务. 本处提供全方位的安全服务. 参观校园安全 了解更多信息.


国际学生协会 (ISS) is a diverse social group at Full Sail大学 that promotes a sense of community, 学习, 和理解. ISS provides a multitude of opportunities for students to connect regularly and celebrate each other's cultures and traditions. This community especially serves as a support system for Full Sail's international students.

校友大使计划: This role is an excellent opportunity for Full Sail international student alumni to stay connected with their alma mater, assist as alumni representatives in their home countries alongside international department staff, 与其他毕业生和学生建立联系, 参与各种讨论平台, 同时培养他们的领导能力.

文化冲击,融入新世界: 基于文化冲击的四个阶段, this playful and engaging workshop is designed to educate students on the developmental journey they go through while transitioning to the American culture. 它促进了公开讨论, 培养一种归属感, 并引导他们走向学生成功之路.

ISS师友计划: This program is aimed at developing current Full Sail students as leaders, 并为即将入学的学生提供一个支持性的榜样. Student leaders are paired monthly with incoming students and attend workshops to assist in personal & professional development; topics include but not limited to: Effective Communication, 建立有意义的关系, 本色评估, 迈尔斯-布里格斯类型量表(MBTI)和Fish! 哲学.

选择车间: This session discusses Optional Practical Training (OPT) - post-graduation work authorization - that F-1 international students are eligible to apply for upon successful completion of their degree program. 在这里, the students' 设计ated School Officials (DSOs) expand upon their options after graduation, OPT申请要求, 以及为下一步做准备的方法.

学生生活 & 网络研讨会: This workshop is built to help all active international students better connect with available support services and on-campus opportunities. Strategies also are discussed to help students identify where they stand on their path to success, 进一步适应Full Sail环境, 改善他们完成日常任务和长期目标的方法.



Full Sail的国际学生持F-1签证进入美国. F-1签证, 他们可能被允许在校园里工作,同时攻读学位, and for Optional Practical Training (OPT) upon completion of their studies. OPT是一种为期12个月的美国工作许可.S.,通过美国移民局(移民局)申请并批准. 这是F-1签证身份的延续. 从STEM(科学、技术、工程、 & 数学)og体育可能有资格延长他们的OPT 24个月. Your assigned 设计ated School Official (DSO) will help you with the process once you are eligible. 你可以 在这里找到更多信息.


的 职业发展 Department assists students in the job 搜索 process by helping them prepare their resumes and re搜索 the job market. We also maintain an updated record of potential employers in the industry.

Computer Animation graduate Azadeh Iranban shares a few favorite projects from her demo reel, 并讨论了她对艺术的热情是如何引导她走向Full Sail的.


Full Sail与许多国际学校和项目有联系, 包括那些提供英语作为第二语言的学校. We continue to build relationships with universities abroad and are working to expand opportunities for students.


了解更多关于附属学校 & 大学


Full Sail大学与 PayMy学费 支付国际学费. 与PayMy学费, 你可以从任何一家银行支付学费, 在任何国家,任何货币都比银行汇率好.




打电话给1.855.663.6839(免费电话)或通过他们的任何一个 当地联系电话. 你也可以通过以下方式联系PayMy学费 Support (电子邮件保护) 或者通过他们 支持页面.

不管你在哪个时区, you will have a dedicated customer support team available to you through live chat, email and phone to answer any of your questions and help you make your payment.